16 Aug — 20 Sep 2019
Intestinology 04: The Cold Purity of Mathematic Love/Trust Equations
Just as how the body’s digestive system converts that which is consumed into nutrients required to support the body, Joo Choon Lin seeks to distill the base elements of the materials that she works with, and represent them in renewed contexts. Beginning since 2014, works in this series have taken the form of anecdotes, concepts and musings that have been translated into unexpected form, in response to sites and situations that create unlikely relationships, and played out in elaborate settings of installation, sculpture and video.
The Cold Purity of Mathematic Love/Trust Equations is the fourth iteration of her Intestinology works, where the artist explores the forms that the element carbon can take, with graphite and calcium sculptures that interact with geometric drawings representing the unfolding of a diamond’s many facets. Drawn to the similarity and polarity that graphite and diamond – both made of carbon, and both conduct electricity – share, central in her work is also the question of the subjective value of things.
Joo Choon Lin
Michelle Ho